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Q and A
Q and A-Toothbrush
How often should I change my toothbrush?
You should change your toothbrush soon if its bristles become shaggy. Or if its bristles are not shaggy, you should change your toothbrush once a month, because the bristles will be worn gradually and lose their elasticity by the friction between teeth of the very hard material.

What kind of the hardness of the bristles should I choose?
There are 3 types of the hardness of the bristles - "hard", "medium" and "soft". Although the harder bristles have the higher performance of removing the plaque on vertical surfaces, with excessive force, you may damage the gum. If you tend to do high-power brushing, you should choose the toothbrush with "soft" or "medium" bristles. Otherwise, "medium" or "hard" may be recommended. If your gum is weaken, you should choose "soft" or "medium".

What is "mountain cut" or "super fine bristles"?
There are various types of the cutting bristle of toothbrush. The most popular type is "straight cut" that are trimmed straight. It is suitable to various ways of brushing. On the other hand, the special cuts are especially suitable to cleaning the boundary between the gums and teeth or the gaps between teeth. For example, "mountain cut" or " brilliant cut of super fine bristles" are especially suitable to cleaning the gaps between teeth. If you have the parts that is difficult to brush, you should choose the toothbrush of the special cut.

What size of toothbrush should I choose?
The size of the head (the toothbrush tip in which bristles are transplanted) is important. With too large head, the toothbrush can't be moved smoothly and careful brushing may be difficult. Your toothbrush should be reached back teeth and the back of teeth. Specifically speaking, you should choose the toothbrush with the head smaller than the size of the first joint of your index finger.